2018 Website design performance tricks

Increase a websites performance is known to be a skill that some of the greatest web design companies focus on. The overall performance of a business website can interfere with many elements. Based on a website's performance, a visitor will respond a certain way on page.

How to ensure you have worked out the best website performance?

1-Test out to speed. In 2018, websites are suppose to go faster and not slower. Determine the speed of your website design.

2-Responsive layout test. Test out your responsive website design on all different devices. This will ensure that your website performs and visually resizes the same way on all different screen sizes and if it doesn't, you just have become aware and you can now fix what ever wasn't so great befoer.

3-Phasing the sidebars out. The sidebars are known to be very heavy and tend to drag out the performance of a website design. Web designers are always recommended to remove sidebars.

4-Fixing broken elements and pages. Always notice the broken links, elements, and pages of a website and fix those certain elements.

To conclude, website design performance must always be increase to the highest level possible Use the 4 ways above to ensure that your web design meet the checklist.


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